Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (ABD), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013-present
- Research in modern European history, Dutch and German comparative history, political theology, dogmatics, ecumenics, theological ethics, and theology and culture
- Mentors: Dr. George Harinck (History) and Dr. Cornelis van der Kooi (Systematic Theology)
- Spring 2015 anticipated completion
- Research in church and modern society, historical Dutch neo-Calvinism, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christology, Augustine, Christian ethics
- Major emphasis: Historical Theology, Dr. Grayson Carter, mentor
- Minor emphasis: Christian Ethics, Dr. Glen Stassen, mentor
- Comprehensive Exams in Historiography, Church and State, 20th Century Christianity, and Christian Ethics
- Spring 2015 anticipated completion
- Department of Practical Theology with an emphasis in Christian Education and Formation for Discipleship
- Thesis: “The Place of the Sermon on the Mount in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ‘Religionless Christianity’”; supervised by Dr. Nancy Duff
- Additional Research: “Discipleship as Theological Praxis: Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a Resource for the Normative Task of Practical Theology”; supervised by Dr. Richard Osmer.
Master of Divinity, Fuller Theological Seminary, Northwest Campus, 2004-2008
- Culminating research: "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Church-Community: Sanctorum Communio in the Midst of Life Together"
- magna cum laude
Bachelor of Arts, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington, 2000-2004
- Major: Music - Technology emphasis. Instrument: drums and percussion
- Minor: Business Administration
- cum laude
"A Prime Minister and a Prisoner - for the Common Good: Abraham Kuyper, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Theology for Public Life"
The dissertation explores a vision of the common good based upon a nuanced dialogue between the Dutch neo-Calvinist tradition of common grace and the German Lutheran Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christ-centered model of being-for the other. By exploring side-by-side how Christian discipleship intersects with the notion of the common good in these two traditions, my project seeks to find a particular line of continuity (while giving due attention to the discontinuity) between two diverse historical and theological traditions.
To focus the research, Kuyper’s theological development, political rise, and subsequent tenure as Dutch Prime Minister from 1894 to 1905 serves as the catalyst for investigating and articulating a neo-Calvinist concept of discipleship and political theology. In comparison and contrast, the project then explores the significance of Bonhoeffer’s life and thought while a pastor and then a political prisoner from 1937 to 1945. These two diverse paradigms – that of a prime minister and of a prisoner – provide a unique and compelling context to define and apply a robust historical and theological concept of Christian discipleship that is concerned in practice with the pursuit of the common good.
Research languages: German, Dutch, French, Latin, Koine Greek, Ancient Hebrew
- "A Better Worldliness: Discipleship for the Common Good." Verbum Incarnatum: Volume 6 - Peace and Social Justice, forthcoming (2014).
- "Distinct Discipleship: Abraham Kuyper, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Christian Engagement in Public Life." The Kuyper Center Review: Volume 4 - Neo-Calvinism and Democracy, edited by John Bowlin. Eerdmans, forthcoming (Spring 2014).
- "Taking the Long View." Capital Commentary, June 14, 2013.
- “Discipleship as Theological Praxis: Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a Resource for Educational Ministry.” Christian Education Journal, Series 3, Volume 8, Issue 2, Fall 2011.
- Abstract for “The Place of the Sermon on the Mount in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ‘Religionless Christianity.’” International Bonhoeffer Society Newsletter English Language Section, Number 102, Fall 2011.
- Abstract for “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Church-Community: Sanctorum Communio in the Midst of Life Together.” International Bonhoeffer Society Newsletter English Language Section, Number 97, Fall 2009.
Academic Conferences
- Participant: The International Relevance of Abraham Kuyper and Neo-Calvinism, at the Historical Documentation Center for Protestantism in the Netherlands (1800-present), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 11, 2013.
- "Questions of Abraham Kuyper, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the Common Good." Presented at the Neo-Calvinist Consultation, The Institute for Faith and Public Life, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, July 25-27, 2013.
- "The Common Good and Just Peacemaking: Abraham Kuyper's and Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Discipleship for a Better Worldliness." Presented at the Twelfth Annual Conversation on the Liberal Arts: War and Peace as Liberal Arts, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California, February 22, 2013.
- "Distinct Discipleship: Abraham Kuyper, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Christian Engagement in Public Life." Presented at the 2012 Kuyper Center Conference: Neo-Calvinism and Democracy, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, April 21, 2013.
- Participant, Rethinking Arminius: Wesleyan and Reformed Theology for the Church Today, February 24-25, 2012, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, California.
- "The Place of the Sermon on the Mount in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's 'Religionless Christianity.'" Presented at the American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Social Analysis section, San Francisco, California, November 20, 2012. Paper is archived in the Bonhoeffer Collection at Union Theological Seminary in New York.
- Participant, The 2011 Kuyper Center Conference: Calvinism and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, April 14-16, 2011.
- "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Church-Community: Sanctorum Communio in the Midst of Life Together. Presented at the Pacific Northwest Region AAR/SBL and ASOR Annual Meeting, Theology and Philosophy of Religion section, Tacoma, Washington, April 25, 2009.
Research Interests
Theology and culture; comparative
European history; political theology; the Common Good; issues of Church
and State since the Enlightenment; Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Karl Barth;
Abraham Kuyper; historical Dutch neo-Calvinism; theology and public
life; "religionless Christianity"; the historical development of
theology and its intersection with ethics; the place of discipleship in
the present and future church; the confluence of educational ministry
and a theology for public life.
Professional Experience
Associated Guest Researcher, Theologische Universiteit Gereformeerde Kerken, Kampen, Netherlands, 2013-presentProfessional Experience
- Conducting historical and theological research with the Neo-Calvinism Project related to the development of Dutch Calvinism - via Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck and others - and its comparative relationship to the development of theology in Germany during the early and mid-twentieth century, as exemplified in the Nazi-era Confessing Church theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth.
- I am residing in Kampen, the Netherlands with my family from September 2013 through May 2014 in order to conduct research and writing at the Theologische Universiteit in Kampen and at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
- Teaching professor for online courses, providing instruction and facilitation via the Moodle learning platform. Interact with students through guided discussion forums, messaging, email, phone, and individualized grading and feedback. Coordinate with APOU Life Coaches to provide a focused and holistic learner-centered experience. Also served in Fall 2013 as a Subject Matter Consultant to conduct a major course revision for BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts.
- Spring Semester 2014: BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts (two sections)
- Fall Semester 2013: BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts (two sections)
- Summer Semester 2013: BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts (two sections)
- Spring Semester 2013: BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts (two sections)
- Fall Semester 2012: BIBL230: Introduction to Biblical Literature: Luke/Acts (two sections)
- Summer Semester 2012: MIN108: Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry (two sections)
- Spring Semester 2012: MIN108: Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry (two sections)
Life Coach, Azusa Pacific Online University, Glendora, California, 2011-present
- Provide one-on-one coaching for students in the areas of spiritual formation, strengths development, academic advising, basic financial aid advising, career counseling, student involvement, and online academic engagement; fostering student development and clarification of academic, professional, and personal goals.
Online Teaching Assistant, Ashford University, Clinton, Iowa, 2009-2013
- Online Writing Services Resource Center
- Responsibilities included providing quality, insightful, and efficient grading and feedback in an online education environment. Proficient in using the Blackboard and eCollege education platforms to collect student papers and distribute personalized feedback. Also utilized discussion forums, live chat, and email to manage student questions and concerns.
- Summer 2013: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Eduction (one section)
- Spring 2013: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections)
- Winter 2013: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections); PHI103: Informal Logic
- Fall 2012: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (three sections)
- Summer 2012: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections)
- Spring 2012: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections)
- Winter 2012: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (three sections)
- Fall 2011: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education; PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment (two sections)
- Summer 2011: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections); ENG125: Introduction to Literature
- Spring 2011: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections); COM200: Interpersonal Communication; PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment
- Winter 2011: PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment (two sections); ENG125: Introduction to Literature; PHI103: Informal Logic
- Fall 2010: EXP 105: Personal Dimensions of Education; ENG 121: English Composition I: PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment (three sections)
- Summer 2010:EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education; ENG121: English Composition I; PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment; ENG121: English Composition I
- Spring 2010: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections)
- Winter 2010: EXP105: Personal Dimensions of Education (two sections)
- Fall 2009: ENG225: Introduction to Film; ENG121: English Composition I; ENG122: English Composition II (two sections)
- Summer 2009: ENG122: English Composition II; PSY202: Adult Development and Life Assessment (three sections)
- Spring 2009: ENG121: English Composition I; ENG122: English Composition II; ENG125: Introduction to Literature
Research Assistant, Dr. Glen Stassen, Professor of Christian Ethics, Summer and Fall 2011
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- Provided research assistance and editorial comments for the recently published A Thicker Jesus: Incarnational Discipleship in a Secular Age (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2012). See page xi.
Teaching Assistant, Dr. Grayson Carter, Associate Professor of Church History, Summer 2011
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- ST574: Theology of C. S. Lewis
- Served as a resource for students and graded research papers.
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- ET525: Ethics of Bonhoeffer
- This course was administered as an IDL – Independent Distance Learning. Students accessed the course material online through Moodle and submitted work and questions to me electronically for feedback and grading.
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- CH504: Modern Church History
- Acted as a resource for student research and understanding. Delivered lecture on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the German Church Struggle. Graded and offered feedback on student research papers.
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- CH504: Modern Church History
- Worked one-on-one with a student throughout the course who required help and guidance on understanding content, completing assignments, and conducting research.
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- ST572: Bonhoeffer: Life and Thought
- Delivered lectures on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ethics and “Religionless Christianity as the Possibility for Discipleship.”
- Served as a resource for students and graded research papers.
- Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
- School of Theology, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington
- Opportunities included team and solo teaching a wide variety of theology and educational ministry courses; grading and providing feedback on student papers; meeting with students; syllabus and course design; professional development and mentoring. Also worked closely with Dr. Smyth’s men’s discipleship ministry.
- Winter 2008: UFDN1000: Christian Formation; THEO4733: Adult Development and Educational Ministry
- Spring 2008: UFDN1000: Christian Formation; THEO2720: Curriculum and Instruction; THEO2710: Foundations for Educational Ministry
- Autumn 2008: THEO2710: Foundations for Educational Ministry; THEO2720: Curriculum and Instruction; THEO2735: Christian Discipleship
- Winter 2009: UFDN1000: Christian Formation; THEO2735: Christian Discipleship
- Spring 2009: UFDN1000: Christian Formation; THEO2720: Curriculum and Instruction; THEO3733: Small Group Dynamics
- Worked with the director to assess the level and desire of ministry needs among the graduate student population at Fuller Northwest. Created the structure for a student chaplaincy ministry designed to meet the unique spiritual needs of the seminary students, including opportunities for personal prayer, support, and community.
- Worked with middle school, high school, and college students on their English speaking, writing, and general study skills.
- Associate Pastor of Small Groups and Adult Education. Responsibilities included organization, development and deployment of small groups ministry; leadership and teacher training; discipleship development; adult education; membership education; pastoral counseling; occasional preaching; communion, baptism and wedding officiate.
Survey Field Technician, David Evans and Associates, Inc., Bellevue, Washington, 2005-2006
- Carried out land survey technician tasks in the field, including topographic mapping, topographic scanning, GPS data collection, and construction staking. Projects included federal highways, roads, utilities, light rail, cell towers, and industrial and residential subdivisions. Also performed occasional Party Chief duties.
- Trained and coordinated volunteers in the donation processing warehouse, particularly in sorting and packing donated clothing for shipment for overseas disaster relief.
- Operated survey data collection instruments in the field.
- Operated survey data collection instruments in the field.
Lake Avenue Church, Pasadena, 2010-present
- Member of Homebuilders Adult Class and Small Group since 2011
- Guest Teacher for Homebuilders, Winter 2012
- In 2012, the class focused its teaching and participation efforts around the theme of discipleship. I was able to contribute my passion, knowledge, and experience for discipleship through serving as an occasional guest teacher on the topics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the life of discipleship.
- Studied in the Practical Theology department at Princeton, where I was especially influenced by Kenda Creasy Dean, Richard Osmer, Gordon Mikoski, and Bo Karen Lee.
- Here, I developed a particular interest in the confluence of educational ministry, and particularly youth ministry, and a theology of discipleship. How do youth cultures affect an emerging understanding of discipleship? How has the church advanced a youth ministry model of moralistic therapeutic deism, and how can a deep theology and practice of discipleship refocus and reframe this paradigm?
- Associate Pastor of Small Groups and Adult Education
- Worked to develop and support viable college and young adult ministries
- Developed curriculum for adult classes and church membership seminars
Seattle Pacific University, 2000-2004
- Coordinator (and Member) of GROUP worship team
- Co-leader of men’s discipleship and worship Theme House
- Participant in Worship in Europe SPRINT trip to Iona and Banchory, Scotland, London, Paris, and Taizé, France to study and participate in emerging worship venues
Additional Ministry Experience
- Currently attending the International Church in IJsselmuiden, Netherlands
- On-going participation in Sunday school classes and small group ministry
- Orchestra member for the Michael W. Smith Northwest Christmas Tours in 2007, 2008, 2010
- Drums and percussion in a variety of church and professional concert venues
- Seattle Pacific University percussion and wind ensembles, 2000-2004
- University of Washington Husky Marching Band member, snare drum, 2002
Honors, Awards, and Scholarships
- Doctoral Studies Annual Scholarship, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2014
- Associated Guest Researcher, Theologische Universiteit Kampen, 2013-2014
- International Research Travel Award, The President's Office, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2013
- Presentation Travel Award, All Seminary Council, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2013
- Fellowship, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2012-2013
- Presentation Travel Award, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011
- Presentation Travel Award, All Seminary Council, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011
- Fellowship, Center for Advanced Theological Study, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011-2012
- PTS Grant, Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary, 2009-2010
- Fuller Northwest Chosen for Ministry Scholarship, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2007-2008
- President’s Scholar Award, Seattle Pacific University, 2000-2004
- PT and VE Walls Scholarship, Seattle Pacific University, 2000-2001
- Leighton Music Scholarship, Seattle Pacific University, 2001-2003
- Dean’s List, Seattle Pacific University, 2000-2004
- Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities, Seattle Pacific University, 2004
Jackie and I were married in December 2004. She is a certified Special Education and Elementary School Teacher. We have a daughter and a son. Madelyn (Maddie) was born in June 2009, and Geoffrey was born in December 2011.